I am asked at least once a week: "What looks pretty all year?" The fact is, if you are like me and like a big show, not much. I suppose evergreens have their place (just not in my yard...with the exception of camellias and gardenias, for obvious reasons). While I do find the winter months UNBEARABLE, it is a necessary part of the life cycle of most plants. In fact, a peony will not bloom without a hard freeze. That little tidbit alone gets me through the winter blues. You can kick and scream and throw every manner of hissy fit, but fighting Mother Nature can be harsh, but she makes up for it in the spring! Generally, my rule of thumb for my nursery is that I don't grow anything that will not grow here and survive. The second question I get is: "Does it come back?" While people buy petunias and coleus all day every day from big box stores, I have not found it lucrative for business when I have to answer, "No, you will have to plant it again next year." The only exception that I make is for veggies and herbs like basil and cilantro.